Our mission is to improve the conditions of migrants in sex work and victims of human trafficking. We do this by reaching out, listening, sharing knowledge, identifying, empowering and developing.
AmiAmi (previously Pro Vest) is an NGO. A non-government, independent organization, headed by a board, which for nearly 20 years has been in touch with the prostitution community. We do social and healthcare outreach work in Jutland and on Funen.
We are part of the collective Danish effort under the Action Plan to combat human trafficking.

what we do
social work and health care services

social work
In our social work we reach out to prostitution communities in Jutland and on Funen, offering advice on rights, including the options under the Action Plan to combat human trafficking.
We operate with empowerment. This involves beginning with the issues that the person facing us wants to bring up. In a dialogue with each individual, we support them in making sense of their situation

who we are
social and professional healthcare workers
We fight for human rights and better conditions for migrants in sex work and victims of human trafficking. We are passionate about our work and wish to make a difference for our target group.
We are a team with social and professional healthcare experts. Using rights as our starting point, we want to empower the target group and share information about its challenges. With a high degree of professionalism we wish to develop services that support each individual and promote the national effort to combat human trafficking.
our partners
For 15 years we have been sponsored by and cooperated with organizations, politicians, the local community, the region, businesses and private individuals who have devoted their time, effort and resources to the work of AmiAmi.
All are important to us and we are very pleased with their great support.

learn more
human trafficking
Poverty and the absence of prospects for the future cause many people to migrate to Europe in the hope of getting a share of opportunities here. They are women, men and children who are very often lured with promises of an” El Dorado” but have to endure with miserable conditions in order to survive.
in Denmark
Over the past 10 years an average of 80 persons per year have been identified as victims of human trafficking in Denmark. In 2019 41 women, 22 men and 1 trans person were judged to be victims of human trafficking, five of them children. The distribution is similar to that of previous years. But nobody knows the exact number of victims in Denmark since quite a few abstain from seeking help as they fear reprisals against their relatives and themselves.

take action
how to support us?
“I am only one but still I am one. I cannot do everything but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.”
by Hellen Keller
We are always on the lookout for people who can help us in various ways. This might be at our healthcare clinic, our social work, translation, keeping track of our second-hand clothes, fundraising etc. If you feel like helping, but do not quite know how to do so, please contact us. There is always something for which we can use assistance.
Every donation is of great help. It may be in the form of money, but also very much hygiene products, clothes, food, condoms etc.
AmiAmi contributes through the media, debates, talks etc. to creating awareness of sexwork and human trafficking so that the conditions of migrants in sex work and victims can be improved.
We offer presentations and talks – the content and length can be adjusted. Contact us for more information and prices. The earnings will be used to support our target group.

contact us
amiami office
Danmarksgade 10 1. th. ( first floor on the right)
7000 Fredericia
office phone
+45 21 69 29 88